
Keto-Friendly Delights at Zambawango in Atlanta!

Keto-Friendly Delights at Zambawango in Atlanta!

Zambawango is a unique bakery and cafe in Atlanta focused on the keto-friendly and gluten-free treats without the overly processed ingredients you sometimes find with these foods. Delicious, satisfying, and a great way for diabetics, those on a ketogenic diet, and gluten-sensitive individuals, or those looking for a healthier lifestyle to still indulge.
How to be the CEO of Your Own Health

How to be the CEO of Your Own Health

The American healthcare system is broken. Here's how to advocate for yourself by being the CEO of you and transform your medical experiences.
Depression and Your Microbiome

Depression and Your Microbiome

Inflammation in the gut, and even changes in the composition of the microbiome, can trigger or suppress specific chemicals in the brain. Some of these reactions in the brain can decrease dopamine or serotonin, or other modulators of mood and energy and create states of depression, boredom, anxiety, lassitude, or other mental states and conditions. The opposite is true as well- a balanced, healthy microbiome- with the right mix of good bacteria, can result in healthy and happy mental states.
Functional Medicine Testing for the Win!

Functional Medicine Testing for the Win!

Many of us think of medical testing ordered by our doctor as something to fear because it often isn’t ordered in conventional medicine offices unless the doctor fears something is wrong. Conventional medicine also tends to have a relatively narrow range of testing they will order on a patient, at least at a primary care doctor. What's more, many of those tests are designed to show only large departures from normal- you either do or don’t have a condition- the reference ranges are designed to quickly pick out those that meet the threshold to be treated by the standard of care and for prescription drugs.
Salvaging New Year’s Resolutions

Salvaging New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Day has come and gone, and for many people, so has their commitment to their New Year’s Resolutions. So why do so many people fail to keep their resolutions and give up well before January is over? How can you salvage your resolutions and keep them going strong throughout the year? Here’s a list of some ideas to get you back on track and help accomplish those health goals for the year.
Extreme Diets and Altered Microbiomes

Extreme Diets and Altered Microbiomes

Most of us have probably dieted at one time or another- usually to lose weight, but sometimes for other reasons as well. You might have even tried one version or another of an “extreme diet”, maybe because you wanted to lose weight fast because nothing else seemed to work, or because of dietary restrictions or choices.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- How to find Hope

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- How to find Hope

How to find hope for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Functional medicine doctors recognize that this is a real illness and will listen to you and treat the core problems while helping you deal with the symptoms.
Plan the Path of Your Aging

Plan the Path of Your Aging

More of us are living longer, but the real question is what is the QUALITY of that life as we age. There is a big difference between preparing to be healthy until the age of 46 and preparing to be healthy until the age of 76. Will the last 20 years of your life be robust and filled with satisfying endeavors? Or will you limp along from health challenge to health challenge?
Sermorelin for anti-aging: better than hormone replacements?

Sermorelin for anti-aging: better than hormone replacements?

Sermorelin is a synthetically made version of the peptide Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH), which is responsible for stimulating natural growth hormone production. Also known as Growth Hormone Releasing Factor and GRF 1-29, it helps stimulate increased secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. This stimulation of growth hormone production helps increase muscle mass, decrease body fat, enhance recovery, improve sleep, enhance flexibility and joint health, and improve overall health and wellness.
Anti-aging Peptide IGF-1

Anti-aging Peptide IGF-1

Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), also known as Somatomedin C, is a peptide related to insulin that helps encourage normal bone and muscle growth and helps decrease blood glucose levels. Bodybuilders have known for years that IGF-1 helps cells to burn fat and increase lean body mass. In fact, this peptide can accelerate weight gain attributed to an increase in muscle mass while keeping the fat off. It can improve energy during a workout and help recovery time after one. So how does this work? IGF-1 has been found to increase in the body after resistance exercise and increase the creation of lean muscle mass.
BPC 157 Peptide Therapy for Healing the Gut-Brain Connection

BPC 157 Peptide Therapy for Healing the Gut-Brain Connection

BPC stands for Body Protective Compound, and that should tell you something about how great this peptide is! It is one of the most exciting peptide therapies to come along and may have tremendous potential for treating serious conditions in the future including stroke, alcohol and drug overdoses, and schizophrenia. This peptide originates in the gut and is thought to have a healing effect in both the upper and lower GI tract as well. It also supports the microbiome and helps maintain the health of arteries and veins. 
CJC-1295/Ipamorelin Peptides

CJC-1295/Ipamorelin Peptides

We all age- there’s no way around it, but it’s how we age that matters. It’s one thing to get older, but it’s another to experience it as just a decline CJC-1295/Ipamorelin Peptides can help.