Are You One of the 40 Million Pollen Sufferers?
Allergies are no fun. Treating the irritating symptoms of allergies while getting to the root cause is the goal of Progressive’s Allergy Immunotherapy Program. We offer environmental and food allergy testing and to create your customized Immunotherapy program to fight allergies.
Our Allergy Immunotherapy Coordinator can walk you through our multi-phased approach to strengthen your immune system and eliminate those irritating allergy symptoms.
Who can benefit from this program? The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates roughly 40 million Americans are allergic to pollen. Many are experiencing unexplained fatigue and chronic infections they never attribute to inflammation caused by allergic reactions. If you are experiencing any symptoms of fatigue, stuffiness, brain fog, sneezing, or general allergy symptoms, it would be wise to get to the root cause of why your body reacts this way.
Progressive starts by targeting the primary issues that dictate the severity of allergy symptoms.
Your Digestive and Immune System: The Keys to Reducing Allergy Inflammation Naturally
Progressive has over 20 year of experience in relieving allergy symptoms through natural treatments. The treatments aim to strengthen the body’s own defense system, so it can fight allergies itself, without the need for pharmaceutical solutions. The plan often includes:
- Food sensitivity testing
- Gut health
- Allergy testing
- Detoxification
- Probiotics
- Microbiota Testing
We agree that there’s a time and a place for the use of a pharmaceutical approach, however the majority of people experience unwanted side effects along with the compounded influence of toxicity on the body. The wisest approach should be to naturally influence inflammation (the source of reactions) and strengthening 2 key systems in our bodies – the digestive and the immune system. Why, you ask?
Testing and Treating the Gut First (we know this sounds counter-intuitive… stay with us)
We now know that 70+ percent of the cells that make up the body’s immune system are found in the wall of the gut. An allergic reaction is an imbalance in the immune system, in the gut.
An allergic reaction is mitigated by our front line of defense against infection. Our humoral reactions produce antibodies to fight infections and inflammatory processes to generate mucus. This is normally reserved for helping us starve off infections but in the case of allergic reactions it occurs when we’re exposed to harmless substances our bodies mistake for an antigens.
Also becoming more common today is Leaky Gut and Gut Inflammation. When our digestive system is inflamed by hidden food sensitivities, yeast, parasites, and bad bacteria- then our body’s reactions are heightened and easily escalate. At Progressive, we have sophisticated testing to let you know what foods specifically are causing you inflammation, and nearly 95% of our patients have at least one food sensitivity they didn’t know about prior to the test! You can learn more here about Progressive Medical Center’s delayed food sensitivity IgG testing to pinpoint your individual needs. Key foods known to aggravate in a preponderance of people are dairy, wheat (gluten), corn, soy, and eggs.
Additionally as you eliminate your food sensitivities you’ll benefit tremendously from overall detoxification. Start with our 7 day Core Restore Detox Kit and then continuing with a month of Foundation Gut Enhancement. Detoxification works best when done with enough regularity (3-4x a year) to keep the body from over-accumulating toxins and maintaining optimal function. Strong immune systems fight disease and keep us well, but the weaker our immune systems make us susceptible to illnesses and the more hyper-vigilant your responses to allergens become.
Building a robust immune system is difficult when we’re not getting enough rest, our stress levels are too high, and we’re not exercising. We can strengthen the gut and our immune system by reducing gut inflammation, reducing stress, and getting good sleep.
Natural Treatments for Allergies
Progressive’s Allergy Experts have developed a comprehensive center for treatment of your allergies. There is a broad array of therapies that you may be recommended to reduce inflammation, heal your gut, and strengthen your immune system. Most of the treatments can be done in the comfort of your own home: Supplements, Dietary Modifications, a plan for Stress reduction, and changing habits around sleep.
In the clinic, we offer more advanced therapies that your Program Coordinator may recommended based on your test results. They include but are not limited to: IV therapy, Detoxification programs, Infrared Sauna, Biomat Therapy, and Chiropractic adjustments.
The best part is that these are not seasonal results, but a long-term plan to keep allergies at bay and keep your immune system strong.
Natural Supplements Treat Seasonal Allergies
PROBIOTICS: Researchers from Harvard Medical School have found a key relationship between probiotics (friendly bacteria) in the gut and their influence on the development of the immune system, specifically increasing the numbers of certain T cells. Probiotics like Probiotic Complete, Probiotic Plus, and PRObiotic 225 help foster beneficial levels.
VITAMIN C (high-quality): Increasing our immune function also requires healthy supplementation of vitamin C. Many people are surprised to learn how effective vitamin C supplementation is due to its ability to support optimal histamine levels. Generally speaking the Progressive Nutracare Store has a two key products to help calm histamine responses: Bio En’R-G’y C is a profound breakthrough in supplementation as it does not irritate the digestive system which can allow for more therapeutic higher dosage levels.
HISTAMINE SOOTHERS: Natural Sinus Support contains a broad spectrum of natural anti-inflammatories and histamine soothers and has been our #1 selling products for allergy support product for the past 5 years.
NAC: You can also take extra NAC (N- Actyl-Cysteine) a natural amino acid derivative of L-Cysteine to help support the break down mucous.
Fight Pollen Allergy Inflammation by Staying Hydrated
Lastly, and of tremendous importance – stay hydrated. In Water: for Health, for Healing, for Life, author Dr. Batmanghelidj writes: “Histamine is an important neurotransmitter that primarily regulates thirst mechanism for increased water intake. It also establishes a system of water rationing for the available water in the drought-stricken body.” When the body is dehydrated, histamine production increases significantly and histamine’s primary job is to make sure that the available water in the body is preserved strictly for the most vital functions. Our drought management system in the body also creates processes that affect numerous functions like the suppression of antibody production, a major part of preventing allergies.
Find Relief Today in Atlanta, GA!
Call Progressive’s Allergy Immunotherapy Coordinator today, who can walk you through our program, the phases, and if it is the right fit for you. They can also answer insurance questions, as we do accept many major types of insurance. Join us in Strengthening YOUR Immune system and getting rid of those irritating allergy symptoms today!