An exam room at Progressive Medical Center in Atlanta

Clinical Pearls

One area of medicine that can not be taught, that is not in books, is the clinical experience of each clinician. Throughout years of practice, clinicians will find different ways to treat or tricks of the trade that serve as powerful tools in their arsenal of patient care. Tonight’s show will focus on clinical pearls that Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette have acquired throughout the years. The pearls come from working at the largest integrated clinic in the Southeast, and working side by side with many doctors.
An integrative clinic is the breeding ground for cutting-edge medicine and quickly advancing thought. Through extensive testing, and by seeing thousands of patients Progressive medical is able to analyze what works and what doesn’t. Through this extensive exposure, Progressive has developed its own tools that are highly meaningful to quality integrative medicine. We are excited to share with you the power of integrative medicine and our successful experience.
Remember our radio show is every Monday at 6pm but if you miss it you can always catch the archived shows by clicking here.To Your Health!
The Progressive Medical Center Team