Ozonotherapy: Help Your Body Renew Itself
This past weekend several members of Progressive Medical Team physicians (Dr. Matalone, Dr. Burdette, Tom Geckler, PA Dr. Heck, and Dr. Agolli) traveled to Dallas to attend the American Association of Ozone Therapy. In all of the years of practicing integrative medicine and attending hundreds of medical seminars, this seminar was in my top ten for learning innovative treatments that are safe, evidenced-based, and truly get results.
When someone hears about Ozone therapy usually their 1st thought they usually have is….”Is it safe? Does it work? How does it work?” These are excellent questions and patients have a right to question what is going to happen during any treatment. The answer is simple….Yes..It is safe. Over 150 physicians that attended this conference from around the world utilize medical-grade ozone for their patients on a daily basis. That’s thousands and thousands of procedures. Not one incident has been reported with a negative side effect. Does it work? Well, the results speak for themselves….Numerous physicians presented documented success in treating pain and severe infections. These patient case studies were difficult patients that have tried numerous other treatments with no success. Also @ Progressive Medical, we have witnessed 1st hand at the many success stories. I suffered a severe knee injury over 2 years ago. I decided not to do surgery and opted for Prolozone injections.
Dr. Matalone injected my knee 6 times over a 6 month period. I am happy to report that I am pain-free and functional without drugs or surgery. How does it work? That is a long answer but to simplify. Ozone brings oxygen to the tissue so that the body can heal itself, Ozone is an anti-inflammatory and ozone is a powerful substance that combats &b eradicate infections. Therefore, ozone will assist your body in healing itself at the cellular level.
I truly enjoyed this weekend with my colleagues from Progressive. I especially enjoyed Dr. Cheryl Burdettes lecture on the importance of measuring patients’ lab levels utilizing the state-of-the-art diagnostic testing available through Nutratest. Dr. Burdette impressed the physicians at the conference with her extensive and passionate knowledge of biochemistry. Well done Dr. Burdette! Atlanta Georgia is fortunate to have such progressive physicians that are willing to learn new therapies that will increase functionality and longevity. Learn more about the wonders of Ozone therapy at www.aaot.us.
Ozonotherapy is the use of medical-grade ozone, a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to create a curative response in the body. The body has the potential to renew and regenerate itself. When it becomes sick it is because this potential has been blocked. The reactive properties of ozone stimulate the body to remove many of these impediments thus allowing the body to do what it does best – heal itself.
Ozonotherapy has been and continues to be used in European clinics and hospitals for over fifty years. It was even used here in the United States in a limited capacity in the early part of the 20th century. There are professional medical ozonotherapy societies in over ten countries worldwide. Recently, the International Scientific Committee on Ozonotherapy (ISCO3) was formed to help establish standardized scientific principles for ozonotherapy. The president of the AAO, Frank Shallenberger, MD is a founding member of the ISCO3.
Ozonotherapy was introduced into the United States in the early 80’s and has been increasingly used in recent decades. It has been found useful in various diseases:
- It activates the immune system in infectious diseases.
- It improves the cellular utilization of oxygen that reduces ischemia in cardiovascular diseases, and in many of the infirmities of aging.
- It causes the release of growth factors that stimulate damaged joints and degenerative discs to regenerate.
- It can dramatically reduce or even eliminate many cases of chronic pain through its action on pain receptors.
- Published papers have demonstrated its healing effects on interstitial cystitis, chronic hepatitis, herpes infections, dental infections, diabetes, and macular degeneration.