Mary Leach

Financial Advisor

Mary Leach

Mary Leach is our senior Financial Advisor.  She has worked for Progressive Medical Center for over 20 years, and her passion for working in the medical insurance field developed while working in Mississippi for a large insurance company for 15 years prior to relocating to Georgia.  She uses her medical insurance background coupled with her financial experience to provide our patients with trusted financial advice for the services they choose at Progressive Medical Center.

Mary enjoys entertaining family and friends, and watching old TV shows.  She is also an avid outdoor walker and is very conscious about her health. She has made several lifestyle changes since working at Progressive Medical Center, including removing peaches from her diet based on the food sensitivity panel. These and other test results have improved her overall health, and this allows her to relate to our patient’s health concerns in a sincere manner and be of great encouragement to them.

Given how confusing insurance can sometimes be, we are happy to have someone like Mary on our staff who can calmy and clearly explain insurance benefits and options to our patients.