
MSIDS, the Undiagnosed Thief

MSIDS, the Undiagnosed Thief

If you or someone you know went from having good health and normal life, to a quick decline that resulted in a total change in the quality of life, there is a cause. Distinct from chronic conditions that develop slowly over the years, a sudden shift has a cause and usually is infection. Infection or Multi-Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome or MSIDS is associated with auto-immune disease, pain, fatigue, joint pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, and more.
Multi-system Infectious Disease Syndrome

Multi-system Infectious Disease Syndrome

When it rains it pours, especially with infection. When a chronic condition sets in we are all anxious to find the cause. In fact, we have been taught for a sickness, there is one drug, one prescription, and therefore one “cure.”