
Holidays Without Weight Gain

Holidays Without Weight Gain

The holidays are here, and it is time for cheer. However, that cup of cheer might soon bring fear when we add up all the extra calories that show up all around. From Christmas cookies to Christmas stress, there are many reasons that our bellies grow and create the need for the same New Year’s resolution as last year, to lose more weight. Don’t start off behind.
The Importance of Lean Muscle Mass

The Importance of Lean Muscle Mass

Lean body mass consists of biologically active tissue including muscle, bone, nerve, and vital organ tissue. These have a greater calorie-burning capacity than fat tissue.
5 Myths About Strength Training

5 Myths About Strength Training

I’ve got to warn you. There are bogus rumors going around about strength training. The truth is that strength training is one of the absolute best things you can do for your health and appearance. If you’ve fallen for these 5 myths then you’re missing out on tremendous potential results.
8 Lies Fitness Magazines Tell You

8 Lies Fitness Magazines Tell You

I read the article and was not impressed. The “lies” were nothing but a bunch of fitness myths, nothing worth repeating and definitely nothing that I’ve told my clients. Then I got to thinking about all the lies that fitness magazines try to get us to believe, and realized that this was the real story to tell.