The American healthcare system is broken. Here's how to advocate for yourself by being the CEO of you and transform your medical experiences.
Welcome to episode 5 of Rethink my Health podcast where we discuss healthcare topics that matter the most. We get to the root cause and empower you, the listener, to take charge of your health. On today’s episode of Rethink my health, Dr. Gez Agolli and Dr. Cheryl Burdette will be talking about 7 Reasons you need to be taking Probiotics.
On this episode of Rethink my Health, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette will be discussing magnesium: the miracle mineral. We call magnesium the miracle mineral because of the numerous metabolic processes in the body that rely on magnesium. In addition to the important role magnesium plays, it is a common deficiency in our modern diets. In fact, the majority of patients that come into Progressive Medical Center are found to have a deficiency in Magnesium. The team will discuss why Magnesium is so important and will teach you how to best obtain magnesium whether though your diet or supplementation.
Dr. Agolli and Dr. Cheryl Burdette talk about fish oils. This is a very important topic as Omega 3 fish oils are a fundamental component of optimal health. The team is going to educate you on why fish oils are important, what you need to know when choosing a fish oil, and what good healthy omega 3 fatty acids can do for your health.
In this episode, Dr. Gez Agolli and Dr. Cheryl Burdette give you the most updated research on supplements used for immune health. With COVID-19 still a threat to many people across the world, the team shares the top 5 supplements to promote a healthy immune system along with some common sense and practical strategies to stay healthy.
What is meant by an elimination diet? An elimination diet is usually recommended as a way to get to the root of which foods may be giving your body problems. Those problems can be myriad, as which foods we eat can cause all sorts of reactions in the body.
Enzymes have a role in everything we do in life. Enzymes are protein-based substances found in every cell of every living plant and animal, including the human body. Without enzymes, the grass or trees would not grow, seeds would not sprout nor would flowers bloom, and beer and wine could not ferment.
Air pollution, cigarette smoke, heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, plastics… Let’s be real, we are exposed to more toxins than ever before in our human history. It’s just too much for your poor body. The good news is that you can improve your body’s detoxification system naturally with the help of certain dietary and lifestyle strategies. Today, we want to talk about our top 7 strategies to detoxify your body.
Are you dealing with fatigue, low energy, muscle pains, headaches, digestive discomfort, or other nagging symptoms? You are not alone. We see these complaints at our clinic every day. The root cause of these chronic symptoms is usually inflammation. Don’t worry. You can reduce inflammation in your body naturally with the help of some simple dietary and lifestyle strategies. Let’s dive in and learn about our 7 tips on how to reduce inflammation in the body naturally.
We know that 2020 has been a difficult year to say the least, full of numerous stressors. As kids head back to school, some will be returning to the classroom to mingle with peers in person, some will navigate a hybrid of at-home and in-person learning, and others will continue exclusively remote schooling—leaving their parents to juggle work and supervising schoolwork. The good news is that there are steps to take to help you and your family stay healthy.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), otherwise known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a long-term illness that deeply impacts numerous body systems resulting in a range of wellness issues. The CDC estimates that globally around 17-24 million people from CFS or ME and those that suffer often cannot perform life’s daily activities.
Are you struggling to lose weight? Feeling depressed, irritable or fatigued more often? These symptoms, and others such as a low libido, reduced mental clarity and trouble sleeping, could be due to an imbalance of hormones in your body.