Older couple with water in the background

Men’s Sexual Health

Men’s Sexual Health

Do you feel like you’re not the man you used to be, and struggling to be the man you want to be?

There’s a reason for that, and you’re not alone. Our testosterone levels begin dropping at age 35, and continue to drop at 1% a year. By the time we’re in our sixties, many just don’t have the energy, libido, or condition to perform sexually to their satisfaction anymore. We feel old before our time, aren’t interested in life like we once were, and lack the vim and vigor of our youth. Many men struggle with these problems even earlier in life, but as we age, we begin to feel the slackness of our muscles, our lower energy, have a receding hairline, and may struggle with erectile dysfunction or lack of interest in sex.

Erectile dysfunction and loss of  sex drive can both affect men profoundly.  Both can possibly originate from other medical problems and need to be checked out.  The embarrassment and frustration they engender can cause men to give up on sex, and even relationships altogether, cause loneliness and depression, and contribute to a faster decline into ageing.

We’re not embarrassed, and you shouldn’t be either. One of the top reasons that efficiently treated sexual problems like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation persist is that men don’t seek treatment. Our professionally trained physicians are here to help you achieve your health goals. The Progressive Men’s Health Restoration Program is especially designed with men facing sexual issues in mind. Even if you’ve tried to get help elsewhere, you’ll find that our functional and integrative medical team work to get at the root cause- and have a combination of solutions designed just for you that may finally  restore you to the man you want to be.


Low Testosterone and Hormonal Imbalance

If you are struggling with low libido or erectile dysfunction, you may have imbalanced hormones. We know that ED is common, affecting 25% of all men in their lifetime and around half of all men, middle-aged and above. We also know that many men don’t seek help, or only seek help in the form of a blue pill. Sadly, these drugs do not work for around 70% of men. They also don’t address the underlying men’s health problems, which are too complex to be solved by a pill alone. Your body’s systems need to be examined and treated properly.

Low testosterone is a common problem for many men and is thought to be a contributing factor for erectile dysfunction and low libido as well as weight gain, poor memory, weakness, and fatigue. Your body has a specific hormonal balance it requires for your best performance, and low testosterone is often the culprit in men as they age.

Testosterone levels generally peak during adolescence and early adulthood. As you age, your testosterone level gradually declines — typically about 1% a year after age 30 or 40. For older men, it’s important to determine if a low testosterone level is due to normal aging or if it is due to a disease (hypogonadism). Hypogonadism hampers the ability to produce normal amounts of testosterone due to a problem with the testicles or with the pituitary gland that controls the testicles. Luckily, TRT can also reverse the impact of hypogonadism.

Some signs and symptoms of low testosterone levels can include changes in sexual function such as reduced sexual desire, fewer spontaneous erections — such as during sleep — and infertility. It can also make you feel less desire for sex, and make it more difficult to achieve and maintain an erection, or to reach orgasm. Non-sex-related symptoms can include lack of energy in general, brain fog or difficulty concentrating, or even accelerated bone loss, meaning this is a condition to take seriously.

Progressive runs specialized hormone tests to identify which hormones are too high or too low. Your doctor will then tailor a bioidentical hormone treatment specifically for your body’s needs. If it is found that you have low testosterone, then Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) will most likely be recommended. Adjusting your testosterone levels through TRT can make a big difference in restoring your sex drive and performance in bed, as well as just making you feel healthier and sharper in general.


We Focus on the Root Cause

Testosterone is not the only treatment for men’s sexual health. Hypogonadism, prostate disease, obesity, and diabetes may also be causing a loss of libido. In addition, a man may have good hormone levels but he doesn’t have the neurotransmitters needed to drive his libido. He may be low in important nutrients which can cause erectile dysfunction or can leave him exhausted and uninterested in sexual activity.  Our functional and integrative men’s health experts are trained to detect underlying conditions that may be affecting your libido, sexual performance, or other aspects of your sexual health. Using a broad range of natural approaches, the doctors at PMC restore energy, vitality, and libido.


Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can result from vascular dysfunction. If it reduces blood flow to the penis, it can cause erectile dysfunction. This may be the cause of ED in as many as 60% of men who have it. The penis is highly dependent on blood flow to function properly. The ability to achieve and maintain an erection can be entirely dependent on how well blood can flow to the penis.

We offer several types of therapy to treat ED that stimulate and reawaken blood vessels in the penis to allow them to do their job, delivering blood where it is needed and correcting ED symptoms.  Positive results include more frequent, fuller, and more sustained erections and an increased ability to achieve orgasm for both partners. Therapies include PRP-shot therapy, a non-surgical treatment that involves injecting Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into the penis to improve sexual health and function and Shockwave therapy, which is a non-invasive treatment that applies mild shock waves to the penile shaft to improve blood flow. 

The benefits of these treatments, aside from resolving or improving ED issues may include improvement with depression, confidence, relationships, stress, and more.


Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease is characterized by scar tissue in the penis that can result in penile curvature or deviation, painful erections, and sexual dysfunction. Men with Peyronie’s disease can find it difficult to have sex, and if achievable, to achieve orgasm. Luckily, new therapies have advanced to the point that this painful  condition can be treated. a 2019 review of the literature in Sex Med Review found “A statistically significant reduction in penile pain has been observed across multiple studies” when using shockwave therapy to treat Peyronie’s disease. 


Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition where a man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner would like during sex. It is a common sexual complaint, with as many as 1 out of 3 men saying they have experienced it at some time. It is thought to be caused by a combination of psychological and biological factors. Psychological issues such as depression, stress, guilt, unrealistic expectations about sexual performance, a history of sexual repression, lack of confidence, relationship problems, and anxiety can all play a role in PE. Biological factors such as abnormal hormone levels, abnormal levels of neurotransmitters, infection in the prostate or urethra, and rarely genetic issues can all play a substantial role in PE.

PE can have a significant impact on the men who experience it and their partners. It can cause stress and relationship problems, and may even lead to fertility problems if ejaculation cannot occur normally.

There are several treatment options available for PE. These include behavioral techniques and counseling,  natural remedies  including certain supplements, topical products like anesthetic creams and sprays, and in many cases by adjusting hormone or neurotransmitter levels. Progressive is well versed in all of these methods and can help you understand your options and find a treatment plan that works for you.