
Biomat Therapy for Wellness

Biomat Therapy for Wellness

Biomat therapy is a holistic treatment that combines advanced technology with natural healing elements to promote overall wellness and tissue repair. It utilizes a specially designed pad that emits far-infrared rays, negative ions, and the conductive properties of amethyst crystals to deliver therapeutic benefits.
Frustrated With Weight Gain?

Frustrated With Weight Gain?

Are you struggling to lose weight? Feeling depressed, irritable or fatigued more often? These symptoms, and others such as a low libido, reduced mental clarity and trouble sleeping, could be due to an imbalance of hormones in your body.
Depression Is Not Your Fault, It’s More Like a Code Error

Depression Is Not Your Fault, It’s More Like a Code Error

People with depression often avoid talking about their symptoms, hesitate before seeking help, or speak of their symptoms with shame. They sometimes believe their depressive SYMPTOMS reflect their strength or character. Of course, they don’t!! Depression is simply the body’s signal that something is out of balance physically, chemically, or emotionally. It is not a signal of character weakness.
EP 42: Treatment for Depression

EP 42: Treatment for Depression

We know depression is real and now we know the signs and symptoms, but how do we treat it? In the final episode of this series on depression, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: What kind of side effects does depression medication have? The type of diet that helps treat depression.
EP 41: Signs and Symptoms of Depression

EP 41: Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Now we have acknowledged depression is real, what are the sign and symptoms of it? In the 2nd episode in this series on depression, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: Signs of depression. The difference between chronic depression and situational depression.
EP 40: The Root Cause of Depression

EP 40: The Root Cause of Depression

There are over 20 million documented forms of depression in the United States. There is also a stigma that comes with depression where people don’t want to talk about it. Today, we help break down that stigma by discussing: What causes depression?
MSIDS, the Undiagnosed Thief

MSIDS, the Undiagnosed Thief

If you or someone you know went from having good health and normal life, to a quick decline that resulted in a total change in the quality of life, there is a cause. Distinct from chronic conditions that develop slowly over the years, a sudden shift has a cause and usually is infection. Infection or Multi-Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome or MSIDS is associated with auto-immune disease, pain, fatigue, joint pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, and more.
Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Holidays

Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Holidays

Joy to the world! ‘Tis the season to be jolly! Festive music fills the air; holiday cheer abounds. Everyone is happy at holiday time — right? Wrong. Truth be told, many people feel lonely, sad, anxious, and depressed at this time of year. How can this be?
Nurture the Brain to Restore Your Game!

Nurture the Brain to Restore Your Game!

Anxiety and Depression affect millions of people. However, many of the medications recommended have a black box warning or medical warning indicating that the same medications that are used to treat depression may cause suicide.