
MSIDS, the Undiagnosed Thief

MSIDS, the Undiagnosed Thief

If you or someone you know went from having good health and normal life, to a quick decline that resulted in a total change in the quality of life, there is a cause. Distinct from chronic conditions that develop slowly over the years, a sudden shift has a cause and usually is infection. Infection or Multi-Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome or MSIDS is associated with auto-immune disease, pain, fatigue, joint pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, and more.
How to Get Rid of Headaches

How to Get Rid of Headaches

Go to almost any home in America. Open the medicine cabinet. What’s the first thing you see? I’ll bet, that 9 times out 10, it’s probably some pain reliever—Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, or any generic ibuprofen.
Natural Treatments for Headaches

Natural Treatments for Headaches

Headaches come in all shapes and sizes, and consequently, there are many different types. It is important to understand that each individual could have a unique trigger for headaches.