
Ep 13: Food Allergies Cause Weight Gain Part 1

Ep 13: Food Allergies Cause Weight Gain Part 1

On this episode, Dr. Agolli & Dr. Burdette discuss how your food allergies can cause weight gain and what you can do to fix it.
Adrenal Fatigue; Run Down and Burned Out, Build Your Body Back

Adrenal Fatigue; Run Down and Burned Out, Build Your Body Back

Although stress-related conditions like Adrenal Fatigue are becoming increasingly common, many medical professionals still do not give them the recognition they deserve. There are many ways in which stress can impact your health, and chronic stress in particular can lead to hormonal depletion, exhaustion, and adrenal fatigue.
Don’t Regret, Just Say Yes to You!

Don’t Regret, Just Say Yes to You!

Many of us are full of the nos, or I cant’s. I can’t exercise, I can’t eat good food, I can’t get sleep. We begin to put our energy into our rationalizations and believes that our life is constructed in a way that we can’t take care of ourselves. Next time you find yourself engaging in the I can’t, take time to reframe into I can.
The Arthritis Revolution – Don’t Get “lame,” Stay in the Game!

The Arthritis Revolution – Don’t Get “lame,” Stay in the Game!

Osteoarthritis and arthritis are reaching epidemic proportion. Hip and knee surgery are bankrupting our health care system, and many of these procedures have to be done more than once. However, there is a missing link in how we are treating arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Bone Up on Gut Health

Bone Up on Gut Health

Bone broth is chalked full of nutrients that help bone and skin. These nutrients are some of the key nutrients that are also critical for gut health. However, bone broth is time consuming to make. Progressive is now providing a powdered bone broth that can easily be added to shakes, soups, or baking. Some of it is vanilla or chocolate flavored, but there is also a savory flavor that could be added to soups. Here are some of the top reasons to include this easy convenience:
Don’t Miss a Beat! Arrhythmia Reversed

Don’t Miss a Beat! Arrhythmia Reversed

The term “arrhythmia” refers to any change from the normal sequence of electrical impulses. The electrical impulses may happen too fast, too slowly, or erratically – causing the heart to beat too fast, too slowly, or erratically. Even though we think of arrhythmia as a cardiovascular condition, it is actually a condition of the nerve that tells the heart how to work.
EP 12: Treatment Strategies for Leaky Gut Syndrome

EP 12: Treatment Strategies for Leaky Gut Syndrome

On today’s episode, Dr. Agolli & Dr. Burdette discuss the treatment strategies for leaky gut syndrome.
EP 11: Diagnostics of Gut Health

EP 11: Diagnostics of Gut Health

In this week’s episode, Dr. Agolli talks with Dr. Burdette and they continue their discussion on gut health.
Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Is your child overweight? Are you tired of their tears, your concern and everyone’s frustration about the confusing information published on weight loss? At Progressive Medical Center, we don’t promote fad diets, harmful supplements, or unrealistic calorie-restriction diets for adults, and they certainly are not appropriate for children. Instead, we test, we teach and we follow your child’s progress and share their success!
EP 10: What Is Gut Health?

EP 10: What Is Gut Health?

In this week’s episode, Dr. Agolli chats with Dr. Burdette and they dive deep into your gut health.
EP 9: Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

EP 9: Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

In this week’s episode, Dr. Agolli addresses The Quinolone Vigilance Foundation, and their work to bring awareness to fluoroquinolone toxicity. He also speaks with Australian QVF Assistant Director Donna Schutz on her fiancée’s first experience with Progressive Medical Center and their successful treatment of his ill-advised fluoroquinolone prescription. Dr. Burdette closes the episode by shedding light on the biology behind quinolone toxicity, as well as specific treatments used by PMC to successfully treat it.
Ep 8: Resetting Your Autonomic Nervous System

Ep 8: Resetting Your Autonomic Nervous System

In this week’s episode, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Warren examine chronic debilitating care, as well as how Dr. Warren resets the patient’s nervous system using his chiropractic methods. Dr. Agolli also revisits a few success stories from Dr. Warren’s methods.