
Wait! What About My Weight?

Wait! What About My Weight?

New Year’s has come and gone but those pounds you swore off have not. You’re not alone though- Americans gain up to 60% of their annual weight during the holidays! Have you tried eating better and exercising more but your metabolism is not following suit?
The Acupuncture Facial Phenomenon

The Acupuncture Facial Phenomenon

Would you like the option of looking younger without toxins, without surgery, and at a fraction of the price? The acupuncture facelift has been called a “virtual facelift” or “Facial rejuvenation” and is growing in popularity for good reason! It is less invasive and has great results! We would say it’s better than Botox because you get the benefits without the toxins!
Shake Off the Cold!

Shake Off the Cold!

Well, Winter is coming! And there is more cold on the way. Instead of buying a 550 fill down coat to wear at work or hiding under a pile of blankets while the rest of the family comfortably enjoys the ambient temperature, focus on fixing the root cause! There’s a high chance that your thyroid function may be low. Luckily this is something that is easily tested for, and, for the most part, is easily treatable! Good news.
The Gift of Health

The Gift of Health

This holiday season, we keep thinking of advice one of our grandmothers used to say all the time: “You don’t know it now, but your health is the most important thing. Take care of yourself.” As usual, Grandma was right… health is the most important thing! Without it, our moods fade, our energy drops, and our ability to make positive social connections can diminish. So we focus on health!
More Than a Checkup

More Than a Checkup

Our doctors and medical professionals spend MORE TIME WITH YOU than traditional doctors. In fact, we spend 50 minutes on average for your first visit vs. an average of 7 minute doctor visits (according to the CDC). That is a stark difference! And we are delighted that it gives our doctors the chance to listen to you, your health concerns, your lifestyle, and about other factors that affect your health status. This is one of the many things at Progressive that allow us to deliver you better healthcare!
Healthy & Delicious Thanksgiving!

Healthy & Delicious Thanksgiving!

This year, our Progressive Medical Center expert nutritionists have pulled together some of their favorite Thanksgiving holiday dishes & healthy tips to share with you. The great thing about their tips is that they are healthier options, without losing the flavor, fun, and delight of Thanksgiving!
The Gut – Brain Connection

The Gut – Brain Connection

Have you ever felt nervous like having butterflies in your stomach? Then you know about the gut-brain connection! The brain is the master conductor of the body. If it is not functioning well, everything will be out of tune and lack synchronicity with your body. Our moods, the clarity of our thinking, our energy levels, and our happiness can all be out of tune when the brain is out of balance.
Putting Insomnia to Sleep

Putting Insomnia to Sleep

Did you know that some people wake up over 100 times at night and don’t realize they woke up at all? Interrupted sleep can leave a person tired, even after they thought they got their full 8 hours in. The thing is - many people suffer from insomnia. Whether they are actively up in the middle of the night, unable to fall asleep, or waking up tired and not knowing why.
Sugar May Not Be So Sweet

Sugar May Not Be So Sweet

We love it, it’s delicious, and it has us wrapped around its metaphorical little finger! Here’s the not-so-sweet truth… We are killing ourselves by consuming truckloads of hidden sugar. Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine. Yes, you read that right. It is highly addictive. Highly.
Fall Cornucopia Salad Recipe

Fall Cornucopia Salad Recipe

The weather is getting cooler as fall rolls in, and that always has us reaching for rich dishes. Before you reach for that comfort food sandwich, with bread and gluten and flour in it, dig into a colorful and delicious Fall Cornucopia Salad instead! Full of nutrients and delightful to the eye, this salad will fill you up and make you feel great. A complete lunch or lighter dinner awaits!
Candida: Coffee Alternatives

Candida: Coffee Alternatives

A modified diet to eliminate Candida can be a strict protocol, forbidding sugar and many other carbohydrate-rich foods. However, dieters often complain that the hardest thing to give up is not junk food, fruit, or alcohol. What many people have the most trouble with is actually reducing their caffeine intake. There are a number of reasons why you should reduce the amount of coffee and tea that you drink while on the Candida Diet.
5 Reasons to Consider IV Therapies

5 Reasons to Consider IV Therapies

One of the most valuable of the comprehensive integrative therapies available at Progressive Medical Center is the Intravenous delivery of life-enhancing nutrients and natural medicines. Intravenous (IV) therapies provide relief and healing for people with a wide array of health concerns and objectives.