
Reversing Diabetes

Reversing Diabetes

In our diabetes program, patients are given a customized treatment plan that may combine supplements, exercise routines, physical therapies, iv therapies, and nutritional & dietary guidelines. The changes in each person are carefully monitored so we can see what works best for each individual.
EP 27: Diet and Diabetes

EP 27: Diet and Diabetes

In the 4th and final episode of the series on Diabetes, Dr. Agolli and Dawn Repucci, discuss: the Glycemic index and Glycemic load. What is a detox diet?
EP 26: Preventing Diabetes

EP 26: Preventing Diabetes

In the 3rd episode of the series on Diabetes, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: What type of treatments prevent Diabetes. Lifestyle changes you can make to decrease the risk of Diabetes. A list of nutrients, minerals, and herbs that help prevent Diabetes.
EP 25: Testing for Diabetes

EP 25: Testing for Diabetes

In the 2nd episode of the series on Diabetes, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette discuss: Can Type II diabetes be reversed? How to test for Diabetes.
EP 24: What Is Diabetes?

EP 24: What Is Diabetes?

In this episode, Dr. Agolli and Dr. Burdette start the first episode of the series on Diabetes: What is Diabetes? What is Diabesity?


What is prediabetes? Is this an actual diagnosis? Isn’t diabetes similar to pregnancy in that you either are or you aren’t? you either have diabetes or you don’t? Prediabetes is a warning sign not of things to happen but of the path you are currently on.
Pre-diabetes Treatment

Pre-diabetes Treatment

Healthy eating is a cornerstone of healthy living — with or without diabetes. But if you have diabetes, you need to know how foods affect your blood sugar levels.
Pre-diabetes Root Cause

Pre-diabetes Root Cause

A little fatigue. An extra five pounds you can’t shake. A bruise that just won’t heal. None of these symptoms are especially eyebrow-raising on their own. But taken together, they could be signs of a silent epidemic that’s affecting more and more Americans across the country.